Warpath: Patch 1.01

Let’s see what is coming in the game version 1.01 as communicated in the Warpath Developer War Room.

Version 1.01 focuses on improving stability and fixing all kinds of bugs for an improved gaming experience.

Functional Optimizations


  • Redesign layout of the main Alliance screen, improving the logic.
  • Added Alliance Gifts feature whereby all alliance Members receive a Gift when an alliance Member purchases a Gift or collects Supplies from destroying a Raven Bunker.

Research and Events

  • Added new Research branch: City Honors which unlocks in Lvl 2 Cities.
  • Added tech buff where researching City Honors increases Daily Points gain and Rewards in Arms Race and Grand Showdown events.
  • Downsized the Rewards gained in first 3 Rewards bundles of Arms Race event but increased the number of Rewards bundles by 4-9 (unlocked by performing City Honors research).

New Features

Starter Teleport

  • Added a Starter Pass whereby Commanders with a new role can teleport to another city for free.
  • Made preconditions for using the Starter Pass such that the Commander Lvl must be no higher than Lvl 11, the Commander does not belong to an alliance and the player has no roles existing in the city they’re teleporting to.
  • Reset fog in the city the Commander is teleporting to with the Starter Pass. Scouted Building Rewards and Plunder on the Map are not reset.
  • Reset all events when a Commander uses a Starter Pass, except for the Call to Rally event.


  • Enabled Frame selection in the Commander Profile.

Other Optimizations

  • Armament Chests: Enabled a chance to receive a Free Coupon for Commanders every 24 hours.
  • Mail: Removed Delete All Mails function such that deleting now only removes Mails read in the current Mail tab.
  • Supplies: Enabled feature where Commanders can tap to view how they can get more supplies or resources.
  • Search: Increased Search zone and optimized Search logic.

Data Optimizations


Developer: We do feel that the level of difficulty of the Jurisdiction event is currently too high and we’d like to see more Commanders join in this event. In an effort to increase participation we’ve decided to reduce the event time loop and reduce the difficulty level by half. We hope Commanders can join in more often and gain access to the third Rewards bundle more easily.

  • Reduced event loop from every 8 hours down to every 4 hours.
  • Halved the difficulty level of all Missions (excluding Raven Troops and Raven Bunkers).
  • Increased the difficulty level of Raven Troop and Raven Bunker Missions.
  • Downsized individual Mission Rewards based on difficulty and increased the proportion of Gold in Rewards bundles. Adjusted the amount of Gold in the first 3 Rewards bundles from 200/400/1500 to 0/200/2500 respectively.
  • Removed Acquire a 4-Star Unit and Acquire a 5-Star Unit Missions. Added Use Universal Components to Assemble Unit Missions.

Daily Arms Race

Removed the Entry Permit from Daily Arms Race Rewards. The Entry Permit will be added to event Rewards in a later update.

Officer Missions

  • Increased Rewards from completing Lvl 1 and Lvl 2 Officer Missions with a 100% Success Rate.
  • Reduced Officer EXP Rewards for Officer Missions and increased Officer EXP Rewards in Officer Missions Chests.

Daily Missions

  • Removed Officer Promotion Mission and added Strategy Books (Officer EXP).

Combat Optimizations

  • Base: Increased the Firing Range of Commander and Raven Bases to 5.
  • Converge Command: Changed unlock level of this feature to Commander Lvl 12.

Bug Fixes

  • Officers: Corrected the coefficient descriptions for Jack Spanner and Florence Borden’s Revival Skills.
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