State of Survival: Survival of the Fittest – Event guide (now with a video-guide!)

Survival of the Fittest is a bi-weekly event with different objectives on each day. In this guide, I will try to share some tips about maximizing your points while investing your resources smartly. The guide is intended both for F2P and P2P players.

Version history:
1.2 - 28/09/2020 - Major changes due to new T4/T5 Heroes released.
1.1 - 14/09/2020 - Updates to the Tier 1 (Nikola) & Tier 4 (Jarrett), minor cosmetic changes;
1.0 - 06/07/2020 - Guide created.
Video guide

Depending on your state age and evolution (you start with Tier 1 heroes – i.e. Nikola, continue with Tier 2 – i.e. Wolfe and finally Tier 3 – i.e. Zoe) daily objectives might be slightly different. Make sure you look into the correct section to find objectives for your state.

Please remember one thing: the SoS developers hobby like to change daily objectives quite often (they’ve done that over 5 times for the past 2 months!). When you notice a mistake, kindly point it out in the comments and I will correct it ASAP. Thanks!

First (special) Tier 1 state Evolution (Nikola and Co.)

Note: If your state never had a SOTF event before, you will have a special one first.

1. Settlement Expansion

Increase Power by 1 through Construction30

2. Heroic Development

Make 1 spin(s) in Ray’s Place92000
Use 1 Elite Hero Fragment(s)4000
Use 1 Epic Hero Fragment(s)14000
Use 1 Legendary Hero Fragment(s)35000
Gather 50 Food3
Gather 50 Wood3
Gather 10 Metal3
Gather 2 Gas3

3. Troop Training

Train a Lv. 1 Soldier135
Train a Lv. 2 Soldier180
Train a Lv. 3 Soldier270
Train a Lv. 4 Soldier405
Train a Lv. 5 Soldier585
Train a Lv. 6 Soldier900
Train a Lv. 7 Soldier1260
Train a Lv. 8 Soldier1710
Train a Lv. 9 Soldier2250
Train a Lv. 10 Soldier2970
Upgrading troops will gain you the power difference between the troop tiers

4. Infected Stage

Rally Lvl. 1-30 Infected Fiend30000
Kill Lvl. 1-30 Infected10000
Kill Lvl. 1-30 Infected via Intel10000

5. Power Sprint

Use 1 Hero Gear Parts6600
Increase Power by 1 through Construction30
Increase Power by 1 through Research30
Increase Power by 1 through Troop Training30
Upgrading troops increases Power by 130

Tier 1 state evolution (Nikola and Co.)

1. Construction Speedups

Use 1 minute of Speedups on Construction800

2. Heroic Development

Make 1 spin(s) in Ray’s Place92000
Use 1 Elite Hero Fragment(s)4000
Use 1 Epic Hero Fragment(s)14000
Use 1 Legendary Hero Fragment(s)35000
Gather 50 Food3
Gather 50 Wood3
Gather 10 Metal3
Gather 2 Gas3

3. Troop Training

Train a Lv. 1 Soldier135
Train a Lv. 2 Soldier180
Train a Lv. 3 Soldier270
Train a Lv. 4 Soldier405
Train a Lv. 5 Soldier585
Train a Lv. 6 Soldier900
Train a Lv. 7 Soldier1260
Train a Lv. 8 Soldier1710
Train a Lv. 9 Soldier2250
Train a Lv. 10 Soldier2970
Upgrading troops will gain you the power difference between the troop tiers

4. Wilderness risk

Gather 50 Food3
Gather 50 Wood3
Gather 10 Metal3
Gather 2 Gas3

5. Power Sprint

Use 1 Hero Gear Parts6600
Increase Power by 1 through Construction30
Increase Power by 1 through Research30
Increase Power by 1 through Troop Training30
Upgrading troops increases Power by 130

6. Chief Gear Upgrade

Increase Highest Chief Gear Score by 1500

Tier 2 state evolution (Wolfe and Co.)

1. Power Stage / Settlement Evolution

Increase Power by 1 through Construction30
Increase Power by 1 through Research30
Increase Power by 1 through Troop Training/Upgrading30
Upgrading troops increases Power by 130
Version 1
Consume 1 Plasma Core100000
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Construction1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Research1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Troop Training/Upgrading1500
Version 2

2. Heroic Development / Basic Power Up

Make 1 spin(s) in Ray’s Place92000
Use 1 Elite Hero Fragment(s)4000
Use 1 Epic Hero Fragment(s)14000
Use 1 Legendary Hero Fragment(s)35000
Gather 50 Food3
Gather 50 Wood3
Gather 10 Metal3
Gather 2 Gas3
Version 1
Make 1 spin(s) in Ray’s Place400000
Use 1 Elite Hero Fragment(s)17500
Use 1 Epic Hero Fragment(s)61000
Use 1 Legendary Hero Fragment(s)152000
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Construction1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Research1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Troop Training/Upgrading1500
Version 2

3. Troop Training

Train a Lv. 1 Soldier135
Train a Lv. 2 Soldier180
Train a Lv. 3 Soldier270
Train a Lv. 4 Soldier405
Train a Lv. 5 Soldier585
Train a Lv. 6 Soldier900
Train a Lv. 7 Soldier1260
Train a Lv. 8 Soldier1710
Train a Lv. 9 Soldier2250
Train a Lv. 10 Soldier2970
Upgrading troops will gain you the power difference between the troop tiers

4. Wilderness Risk / Chief Gear Badge Enhance

Gather 50 Food3
Gather 50 Wood3
Gather 10 Metal3
Gather 2 Gas3
Version 1
Increase Highest Chief Gear Badge Score by 11000
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Research1500
Version 2

5. Power Sprint

Use 1 Hero Gear Parts6600
Increase Power by 1 through Construction30
Increase Power by 1 through Research30
Increase Power by 1 through Troop Training/Upgrading30

6. Chief Gear Upgrade / Chief Power Up

Increase Highest Chief Gear Score by 1500
Version 1
Increase Highest Chief Gear Score by 11800
Train a Lv. 1 Soldier135
Train a Lv. 2 Soldier180
Train a Lv. 3 Soldier270
Train a Lv. 4 Soldier405
Train a Lv. 5 Soldier585
Train a Lv. 6 Soldier900
Train a Lv. 7 Soldier1260
Train a Lv. 8 Soldier1710
Train a Lv. 9 Soldier2250
Train a Lv. 10 Soldier2970
Version 2

7. Hero Upgrade

Use 1 Elite Hero Fragment(s)4000
Use 1 Epic Hero Fragment(s)14000
Use 1 Legendary Hero Fragment(s)35000
Version 1
Use 1 Elite Hero Fragment(s)17500
Use 1 Epic Hero Fragment(s)61000
Use 1 Legendary Hero Fragment(s)152000
Gather 50 Food3
Gather 50 Food3
Gather 10 Metal3
Gather 2 Gas3
Version 2

Tier 3 state evolution (Zoe and Co.)

1. Settlement Evolution

Consume 1 Plasma Core100000
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Construction1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Research1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Troop Training1500

2. Basic Power Up

Make 1 spin(s) in Ray’s Place400000
Use 1 Elite Hero Fragment(s)17500
Use 1 Epic Hero Fragment(s)61000
Use 1 Legendary Hero Fragment(s)152000
Consume 1 Plasma Core100000
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Construction1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Research1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Troop Training/Upgrading1500

3. Troops Power Up

Increase Highest Chief Gear Badge Score by 13500
Train a Lv. 1 Soldier135
Train a Lv. 2 Soldier180
Train a Lv. 3 Soldier270
Train a Lv. 4 Soldier405
Train a Lv. 5 Soldier585
Train a Lv. 6 Soldier900
Train a Lv. 7 Soldier1260
Train a Lv. 8 Soldier1710
Train a Lv. 9 Soldier2250
Train a Lv. 10 Soldier2970
Upgrading troops will gain you the power difference between the troop tiers

4. Hero Power Up

Make 1 spin(s) in Ray’s Place400000
Use 1 Elite Hero Fragment(s)17500
Use 1 Epic Hero Fragment(s)61000
Use 1 Legendary Hero Fragment(s)152000
Use 1 Hero Gear Part5000
Use 1 Hero Gear Design45000
Version 2

5. Settlement Evolution

Consume 1 Plasma Core100000
Increase Power by 1 through Construction1500
Increase Power by 1 through Research1500
Increase Power by 1 through Troop Training/Upgrading1500
Upgrading troops increases Power by 11500

6. Chief Power Up

Increase Highest Chief Gear Score by 11800
Train a Lv. 1 Soldier135
Train a Lv. 2 Soldier180
Train a Lv. 3 Soldier270
Train a Lv. 4 Soldier405
Train a Lv. 5 Soldier585
Train a Lv. 6 Soldier900
Train a Lv. 7 Soldier1260
Train a Lv. 8 Soldier1710
Train a Lv. 9 Soldier2250
Train a Lv. 10 Soldier2970
Upgrading troops will gain you the power difference between the troop tiers

7. Hero Upgrade

Use 1 Elite Hero Fragment(s)17500
Use 1 Epic Hero Fragment(s)61000
Use 1 Legendary Hero Fragment(s)152000
Gather 50 Food3
Gather 50 Wood3
Gather 10 Metal3
Gather 2 Gas3

Tier 4 state evolution (Jarrett and Co.)

1. Settlement Evolution

Increase Highest Chief Gear Badge Score by 13200
Consume 1 Plasma Core70000
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Construction1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Research1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Troop Training1500

2. Basic Power Up

Make 1 spin(s) in Ray’s Place400000
Use 1 Elite Hero Fragment(s)17500
Use 1 Epic Hero Fragment(s)61000
Use 1 Legendary Hero Fragment(s)152000
Consume 1 Plasma Core70000
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Construction1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Research1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Troop Training/Upgrading1500

3. Troops Power Up

Increase Highest Chief Gear Badge Score by 13200
Make 1 spin(s) in Ray’s Place400000
Use 1 Elite Hero Fragment(s)17500
Use 1 Epic Hero Fragment(s)61000
Use 1 Legendary Hero Fragment(s)152000

4. Hero Power Up

Use 1 Hero Gear Part5000
Use 1 Hero Gear Design45000
Increase Highest Chief Gear Badge Score by 13200
Train a Lv. 1 Soldier135
Train a Lv. 2 Soldier180
Train a Lv. 3 Soldier270
Train a Lv. 4 Soldier405
Train a Lv. 5 Soldier585
Train a Lv. 6 Soldier900
Train a Lv. 7 Soldier1260
Train a Lv. 8 Soldier1710
Train a Lv. 9 Soldier2250
Train a Lv. 10 Soldier2970
Upgrading troops will gain you the power difference between the troop tiers

5. Basic Power Up

Consume 1 Plasma Core70000
Use 1 Hero Gear Part5000
Use 1 Hero Gear Design45000
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Construction1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Research1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Troop Training/Upgrading1500

6. Chief Power Up

Increase Highest Chief Gear Score by 11800
Train a Lv. 1 Soldier135
Train a Lv. 2 Soldier180
Train a Lv. 3 Soldier270
Train a Lv. 4 Soldier405
Train a Lv. 5 Soldier585
Train a Lv. 6 Soldier900
Train a Lv. 7 Soldier1260
Train a Lv. 8 Soldier1710
Train a Lv. 9 Soldier2250
Train a Lv. 10 Soldier2970
Upgrading troops will gain you the power difference between the troop tiers

7. Hero Upgrade

Use 1 Elite Hero Fragment(s)17500
Use 1 Epic Hero Fragment(s)61000
Use 1 Legendary Hero Fragment(s)152000
Gather 50 Food3
Gather 50 Wood3
Gather 10 Metal3
Gather 2 Gas3

Tier X state evolution (Tyler and Co.)

1. Settlement Evolution

Consume 1 Plasma Core70000
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Construction1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Research1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Troop Training1500

2. Basic Power Up

Make 1 spin(s) in Ray’s Place400000
Use 1 Elite Hero Fragment(s)17500
Use 1 Epic Hero Fragment(s)61000
Use 1 Legendary Hero Fragment(s)152000
Consume 1 Plasma Core70000
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Construction1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Research1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Troop Training/Upgrading1500

3. Troops Power Up

Increase Highest Chief Gear Badge Score by 13200
Make 1 spin(s) in Ray’s Place400000
Use 1 Elite Hero Fragment(s)17500
Use 1 Epic Hero Fragment(s)61000
Use 1 Legendary Hero Fragment(s)152000

4. Hero Power Up

Use 1 Hero Gear Part5000
Use 1 Hero Gear Design45000
Increase Highest Chief Gear Badge Score by 13200
Train a Lv. 1 Soldier135
Train a Lv. 2 Soldier180
Train a Lv. 3 Soldier270
Train a Lv. 4 Soldier405
Train a Lv. 5 Soldier585
Train a Lv. 6 Soldier900
Train a Lv. 7 Soldier1260
Train a Lv. 8 Soldier1710
Train a Lv. 9 Soldier2250
Train a Lv. 10 Soldier2970
Upgrading troops will gain you the power difference between the troop tiers

5. Basic Power Up

Consume 1 Plasma Core70000
Use 1 Hero Gear Part5000
Use 1 Hero Gear Design45000
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Construction1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Research1500
Use 1 minute of Speedups on Troop Training/Upgrading1500

6. Chief Power Up

Increase Highest Chief Gear Score by 11800
Train a Lv. 1 Soldier135
Train a Lv. 2 Soldier180
Train a Lv. 3 Soldier270
Train a Lv. 4 Soldier405
Train a Lv. 5 Soldier585
Train a Lv. 6 Soldier900
Train a Lv. 7 Soldier1260
Train a Lv. 8 Soldier1710
Train a Lv. 9 Soldier2250
Train a Lv. 10 Soldier2970
Upgrading troops will gain you the power difference between the troop tiers

7. Hero Upgrade

Use 1 Elite Hero Fragment(s)17500
Use 1 Epic Hero Fragment(s)61000
Use 1 Legendary Hero Fragment(s)152000
Gather 50 Food3
Gather 50 Wood3
Gather 10 Metal3
Gather 2 Gas3

Special thanks to

  • Request / SoS FR – for data provided;
  • saltypot – for pointing out some mistakes.
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4 years ago

They almost changed for the entire week of tier 2 now, need to update.

4 years ago

Yeah, If they change it for every two weeks then it’s hard to plan

4 years ago

atm im in state 337 and the 4th day was Infected Stage, its not gathering. its for nikola

4 years ago

LOL they changed the event? On tier2, day 2 there are no rss gathering but speedups again.

4 years ago

They have made tier 4 requirement for tier 2 event. We have wolfe frags as prizes in state 253, but reqs are tier 4. sigh. They need to leave gathering as an option, longer! greedy!

4 years ago

i think the troop reqs are tied to your base…? On 253 one base had 23.8M for final troop training level and other one had something like 12M. One has T8 the other T6 troops.

4 years ago

AND they have replaced stage 4 wilderness risk|hero power up with chief gear/research timers only. ::facepalm:: no ray spins, no nothin! grr

4 years ago

Settlement evolution Jarrett has errors. 1500 per min of speed up and not per power increase

Sune Tristan Sommer
Sune Tristan Sommer
4 years ago

Typed in wrong, sorry. See above question?

Last edited 4 years ago by Sune Tristan Sommer
Sune Tristan Sommer
Sune Tristan Sommer
4 years ago

Prosperity, how much prosperity is needed to start constructing the different levels of hq’s??

Last edited 4 years ago by Sune Tristan Sommer
4 years ago

I absolutely love this game

4 years ago

is there any way to get free biocaps?

4 years ago
Reply to  Don

Other than all the ways in-game? Doing events, doing infected rallies, Hunt the hunter event, etc.,…?

4 years ago

Tier X seems to be valid with the next gen of Heroes; however, you haven’t included points for Tier 11 troops at 3,713. This effects day 4 and day 6

A Hafizi
A Hafizi
4 years ago

Same question: What is the multiplier for troop upgrade? Is it BP difference * Number of Troops Upgraded * Point Difference between 2 Tiers?