Warpath: Alliances

Unfortunately, Warpath is not a game that could be enjoyed playing alone. I believe joining a nice active alliance is a must at the very early stage (and you’re actually obliged to do that during the tutorial mission).


Besides having a lot of fun, joining an alliance (whether you create one yourself or join an already existing one) gives tons of benefits. Here are a few:

  • Collecting resources on alliance territory is 25% faster. You also earn alliance points which you can spend in the store on different stuff.
  • Alliance assists reduce technology research time by 1% each. The number of assists you can get depends on your HQ level. At HQ Lvl 14, it’s a 10% reduction!
  • You get tons of rewards when completing Urban Combat Plans objectives in your city. Establishing alliance buildings and capturing nodes is also fun!
  • Alliance gifts: resources when any member destroys a bunker, gold/VIP points/speedups/etc. when a member completes a purchase.
  • Army group: sharing units with your members to defeat bunkers and fight your enemies is a super powerful feature not available to solo players.
  • Alliance benefits: since it has its own technology research trees. Every member will get bonuses for the collection speed, army strength etc.
  • Alliance rankings: if you earned the trust of the alliance leader, getting an officer rank will benefit further your stats.
  • City posts are another powerful tool to boost one’s power and available exclusively to the chosen alliance members.

Pro tip: while recruiting players for your alliance, don’t forget to mention SERVER you’re on together with the CITY you’re in.

Tech Benefits




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